The rink that we curl at is being relocated on the property. Part of the exciting part about the new rink is that they are putting the houses (the bullseye at the end of the curling rink) underneath the ice sheet. We had been drawing them on each week with markers on a huge compass (a 12' version of the one you used to use in high school geometry class)
Here are some pictures of the new rink and the beautiful houses:

The other exciting thing is that we are getting permanent rock storage, which sounds like a big old 'who cares', but the reason this is good is that curling stones need to be kept at ice temperature to work best. At the old rink this meant someone had to go put the rocks out on the ice the night before Sunday curling. Even then, they still weren't all that cold, and managed to get a nice thick coating of frost on them, which you had to chip off. To sum up, it was DULL and SUCKY
Anyway, here is the new rock storage area.