Sunday, December 16, 2007

House, continued

Tom is sad. It keeps raining. However, we had one brief day of respite and the painters managed to get most of the eaves and trims painted, and part of the house painted. Sadly, they were painting the house basically in the dark, so there's a fair bit of weird overspray.

House Paint, Continued 12/16/07 11:14 AM

On Friday, it rained again, so the guys were back inside working on the garage. It is now a lovely shade of blue, and with everything, and I do mean *everything* else in there covered in blue as well. Painting a garage with sprayers seems silly - I mean, sure it goes fast, but you have to keep the door shut, so you basically gas yourself while doing so. The house stunk for the next day, and in the process of trying to get the door open the next day, we munged up the bottoms of 2 pairs of shoes by stepping in still wet paint.

And now, 8 days later, we are still living inside the quarantine zone. Plastic covering the windows. As I said before, it makes Tom sad. Here is also some of the crap that got taken off the house that needs to go back up as well as newly purchased items to replace those that had disintegrated in the years they've been used.

Garage Paint 12/16/07 11:21 AM

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