Sunday, February 22, 2009

MLE: Artistic Luxury at the Legion of Honor

This weekend, we visited one of two of San Francisco's fine arts museum, the Legion of Honor.

Even from the outside it's an impressive building, especially with the views to the north of the Golden Gate. The courtyard had some extremely colorful flowers, which was the sort of striking contrast against the stone of the main building that made you stop and take notice.

We went to see the exhibition Artistic Luxury, featuring the works of Tiffany, Faberge and Lalique.

The exhibition focuses on the three greats of decorative arts & jewelry and their displays at the 1900 World's Fair in Paris. It was an excellent show, with a number of jaw-droppingly beautiful pieces. Stepho's favorite was a gorgeous Faberge star sapphire brooch (shown on the right), which I am now instructed to retrieve from the collection of Joan and Melissa Rivers. Right, then.

We also enjoyed seeing the rest of the Legion of Honor's collection. One painting that stood out was The Broken Pitcher, in which the girl had the most striking eyes. And we had a bit of luck, they were offering a small poster of this painting if you filled out a survey (which we did).

We'll definitely be going back to the Legion of Honor.

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