Monday, February 2, 2009

MLE: Mountain to Ocean

This past weekend, we participated in one of the classic activities that causes some of the most acute cases of Bay Area snobbery - going from skiing in the mountains to walking on the beach all within the span of a day.

We were out in Truckee for the weekend - and originally we were concerned that the skiing would be crap since it's been so warm out there. But we were surprised with snow that actually was more like fresh powder, despite no precipitation for quite a while out there. Fantastic day on the slopes. Warm, sunny, no wind, really a perfect day.

After we drove back to SF, our bodies were cramped from the work on Saturday, so we needed a walk. We headed out to the beach and walked up and down a bit.

But I have to say - even though you *can* get to both places - probably the only person who can really take advantage of the beach side of the equation to the fullest is someone who surfs - because there is no way that anyone is going to get in that cold water without a wetsuit. Brrrrr

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