Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas Wrap-Up

As I mentioned before, this was the first year we spent in Austin for Christmas. We've both traveled somewhere for the holidays for each of the 13 and 9 years that we've been in Austin. Since we were tired of the traveling, we pawned it off on others. Here was the schedule:

December 15 (really 16) Rachel arrives after a many hour delay in Chicago. Delays in Chicago. We were *SO* surprised. She sleeps until 1:30, and repeats this pattern for many days in a row - basically until her sister arrived and took up (apparently more than) half of the bedroom. She watches movies and doesn't do a whole lot, and also doesn't get sick with the plague that followed me around most winter breaks

December 20, Rebecca, Gramma Peggy and Aunty Louise show up. It's Gramma and Aunt's first visit to Texas. The house crowds up immediately. I get to show off our great knitting shop - Hill Country Weavers, and my first house, and the beautiful hills around Austin.

December 23, Sandy, Matt and Emily arrive without their luggage. Seriously - none of their luggage. I mean usually one of two bags will arrive, but they were missing all 3. Emily had the plague that her sister avoided. She'd just finished up a long Nutcracker season with her ballet company and with the lack of sleep managed to get strep throat in the middle of it. We quickly settled Matt and Sandy into "sloth in austin" - where activities are all of your own interest, and nothing is forced on you.

December 24, Traditional Behrens family Christmas eve party. We were joined by Heather N, Bryan M, Peter and Laura D with the twins Ryan and Kira. Lots of food, the chocolate fountain and this funny video on the big screen.

Here are some photos
Christmas Even 12/24/07 5:33 PM

December 25, Traditional Wilbur Christmas Day with presents and nice sit down dinner.

Christmas Day in Austin 12/25/07 5:40 PM

December 26, Rebecca Peggy and Louse depart

December 27, The remainder of us tour UT with Heather N so Emily can get a sense of what you might see on a college tour. Sadly the univeristy was closed this week, so we couldn't do a "proper" tour, but Heather was very gracious to help us out, and give us a sense of what it's like to be there as an undergrad. I was originally going to give the tour, but realized I only know anything about 2 buildings - The sanchez building, where my classes were all held, and the PCL - graduate library.

Afterwards we headed to ToyJoy and DhabaJoy for some OatsCream. As expected, the Kahn family found it..."interesting" and "different"

Dhaba Joy 12/27/07 5:52 PM

December 28, Everyone else departs, and we are left on our own. Boo.

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