Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And I'm back

Spent all of last week out with the flu. I'm back, and almost well again. A few notable things:

I've got a few knitting projects to post pictures of - I finished my two lengthy scarves that I was working on in the times when I could do something besides just sit in a fevered state in front of the TV.

I'm gong to be very bold and try to knit a sweater. I bought the yard when HCW had a sale at the beginning of the year. We'll see how this goes.

My new favorite show is Top Gear on BBC America. They are so cheeky and funny. I'd heard good things, but sort of blew it off as just a car show, but it's so much better than that. Two thumbs up.

And in the world of ridiculous things. There was recently a bull loose on the street of our admin here at hirestarter

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