Monday, February 11, 2008

Let me summarize

January and early February this year has just been downright odd. Here's the timeline:
  1. We start the year by Tom starting his new job at Vast
  2. The first week he is away, I get the flu, and am completely out of commission for a week, and it takes another week on top of that to get to feeling normal again
  3. With Tom's travel, and my weird gap in January, it seemed not to exist.
  4. I start knitting a sweater - we'll see if this goes anywhere
  5. Tom ran his 1/2 marathon, and headed immediately to Serbia after he finished - seriously. He ran, he showered, and we dropped him off at the airport.
  6. Two days later, I headed to Cleveland to help out my mom with a surgery, which has proved to be a tough recovery for her so far. I am there for a week and a half
  7. Next I head to Salt Lake City to see what I've been waiting all year for - the last of the World Cup Short Track Speedskating events this year. I got a new camera for fancy pictures. I love it almost as much as I love cake
Now I'm back home, and don't have anything planned for a while. It seems weird.

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