Friday, February 29, 2008

Updates, falls, etc

I took my first tumble in practice on Wednesday. It wasn't bad. But I do have a charming bruise on my left hip.

One of my new years resolutions was to donate platelets regularly. I'm headed to the Blood Bank of Austin today for my second donation of the year. It's a bit of a pain, since it takes 2 hours, and their hours are quite limited. But it's good to do, and if I'm going to do any sort of blood donation, this works best for me since I don't lose the red blood cells that help with exercise.

Our yard cat, Trouble, who ostensibly lived with the people behind us seems not to have gone with them when they moved. She started showing up again recently. Or perhaps she moved with them, and then found her way back. Either way, it's lovely to see her again.

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