Monday, February 25, 2008

Gardens and produce

I was a bit slow this year on starting the tomatoes from seeds. I should have done that right as I got back from my travels, but I completely forgot. Since the tomatoes have to go in the ground soon, I elected to buy some. I was pretty impressed with Lowe's right now since they had a number of heirloom varieties. It's still not perfect, since it seems silly to ship the soil around so many times, particularly when I do have the seeds, but there you go.

I got about 20 plants again (give or take). With our shade, and relatively small yield, this isn't the horrifying number that it can be for someone with a truly productive garden. I've also planted some lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli. It doesn't seem that the spinach is going to do much where it's currently planted. As for the rest of the plants - well, at least they're growing.

Our season for the CSA at Hairston Creek Farm starts in mid-April, and we just sent in our check for the season. Sadly, we're going for every other week this year based on Tom's travel schedule. It makes sense, but it is awfully fun to get the box every week.

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