Monday, May 5, 2008

Recipe Review - Kimber's - Well actually Georgeann's - Grilled Jicama

Kimber mentioned this one in the comments a few posts back, and I tried it and wanted to mention it. It was a great dish, and I'll totally make it in the future. The texture of the Jicama changes quite a bit with the heat, and the salt and pepper make for a nice crust on the outside. I'm guessing if you like spicy food, this could be interesting with some cayenne pepper as well.

And as a correction - it was Kimber's mom Georgeann who gave her the recipe. Thanks Georgeann!

Grilled Jicama
  • Jicama (one per each 2 people you are serving)
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  1. Peel and slice the jicama into discs. I cut them about 3/4 inch, and it was a bit too thick - so I recommend maybe 1/2 inch.
  2. Oil both sides, and add salt and pepper to taste
  3. Grill over medium heat until they are tender - if you push on them, you can tell when they are getting softer.

1 comment:

Kimberly Gische said...

This was actually my mom's recipe. HT to Georgeann.